

This is a subject that will yield a different opinion from everyone that you ask. There are some excellent dog foods on the market we can give you some suggestions, but bottom line is getting a high quality  food and see if your puppy/dog does well on it. We suggest you do not go hoping around from one food to another. If you find a quality food that your puppy/dog enjoys, and he is doing well on it, stay with that food.

DO NOT use raised feeders for your puppy or dogs. Raised feeders increase the risk of bloat.

Check with your Breeder what food your puppy/dog is eating. Do not change the puppy's diet which has been recommended by the Breeder. Make sure you have a supply ready if your breeder has not arranged for a bag of food to go home with you.

Here at Shephaven we take great care in choosing the best nutrition for our Shepherds; after all you are what you eat!

Shepherds, like all dogs, are descendants of the wolf and although now they may look and behave differently their digestive system has changed very little. In the wild, wolves live off prey, often eating the whole carcass. This is why we feed our  Shepherds a raw diet and Taste of the wild

All our Shepherds are given natural, healthy treats to keep the entertained and stimulated

We feed our dogs  raw mixes from




Yes! In fact RAW bones are essential to your dogs health the same way they are part of the diet of wild canines. Bones are the key to dental health, proper digestion and they also provide minerals and joint and cartilage building blocks.

Chewing on the right kind of raw bones is the equivalent of a good dental cleaning, it removes plaque build up and prevents gum disease! 

 Raw bones provide a highly digestible source of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals.

Feeding bones can makes the stomach muscle layers stronger, which prevents bloat.

 Bones also have a cleansing effect as they provide roughage in the diet and bulk for healthy bowel movements.

 Feeding raw bones also prevents anal gland problems. The bowel movements after feeding bones are harder which helps express anal glands and get rid of toxins.

 Chewing on raw bones keeps our dogs, especially the puppies and adolescents, occupied. However, feeding bones too often, or daily, may lead to excessive tightness of the chewing muscles.  feeding bones about two to three times a week is best.


 Avoid feeding beef shank bones/ weight bearing bones.  They are often harder than dog's teeth. Larger dogs can get carried away chewing on a large bone and may crack one of their teeth. This is how a two dollar marrow bone can turn into a painful and very expensive adventure.

 “But my dog loves big bones!! He likes to work at the bone marrow!” In reality, nature intended canines to hunt for birds, rodents, rabbits, goats and perhaps deer. Most dogs would simply not dare go anywhere near  a cow and if they did, these large animals would not be the mainstay of their diet.

 However, the right sized bones can save Fido a lot of dental trouble and save you tons of money. Feeding lamb or goat bones twice a week would be ok. The abrasive action of these hard, but not too thick, bones are perfect for keeping your dog's teeth shiny without the risk of dental fractures.


 Feeding dogs chicken bones is safe if they are raw. Dogs have very strong stomach acids and bones dissolve to smaller pieces before they move into the intestines. The same applies to seemingly sharper bone fragments. Dogs have evolved very strong stomach and intestinal walls and the fear of intestinal perforation is just another myth invented by pet food companies.


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